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Leaders in Commercial Real Estate

Institutions and individuals turn to Johnson Realty Advisors, Inc. as the best resource for their commercial real estate decisions.

Bespoke Advice

We identify ourselves as “Advisors” to differentiate our firm from the generic real estate brokerage staffed with independent agents. Our clients are assured of success through steady guidance with important real estate issues from leadership that has developed over decades.

We are a boutique firm. By staying small and focused, we are able to provide our clients with a total and unparalleled understanding of the Fredericksburg market.

When you call us, you speak to a principal, not an agent. We realize that the quality of our work is only as good as the quality of our team. Our clients get the benefit of the of the most experienced and knowledgeable real estate minds in the region.

Johnson Realty Advisors, Inc. has a proven track record as evidenced by the organizations, investors and business owners we’ve represented and transactions completed. Contact us for the ultimate in commercial real estate representation.




Contact JRA  |  512 Lafayette Blvd., Fredericksburg, VA 22401  |  540.372.7675